Medical Home Network ACO Uses AI to Identify Safety Net Patients in Cook County At High Risk for COVID-19

  • Published On  Mar 24, 2020
  • Publication  Health News Illinois


Medical Home Network’s Accountable Care Organization has partnered with to identify Medicaid patients who are most at risk for COVID-19.

The partnership combines a predictive model based on artificial intelligence with data collected by the Medical Home Network ACO, like patient demographics, social determinants of health, claims and clinical activity that was gathered during a health risk screening for new patients.

Of the roughly 120,000 Medicaid patients it oversees for Cook County Health, nearly 85 percent respond to the health risk screening, said Dr. Art Jones, chief medical officer at Medical Home Network. Of those, 368 patients said they were homeless, 5,5000 said they lived alone and nearly 10,000 said they had no friends, family members or others who could care for them if they became sick.

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